About us and the project
In December of 2020 the California Wildlife Conservation Board funded a planning and technical assistance project to develop “Metrics of Wildlife Community Resilience for Sierra Nevada Forests.” This project allowed us to conduct a series of workshops, outreach meetings and underlying scientific, data and computational work to develop the links between wildlife, plant communities and forest resilience. We are using this site to communicate the resulting work the broadest audience possible.
Overall Project Objectives
To develop metrics to assess the current and future resilience of forest wildlife communities to stressors associated with climate change that will help inform land managers how different management actions may influence wildlife community resilience into the future. These metrics will ultimately contribute to the management, conservation and restoration of Sierra Nevada wildlife communities.
Questions for you
- How would metrics of wildlife community resilience be useful in your work and/or study system? For example, is there a specific spatial scale or group of species that you’re interested in?
- What would make them more useful to you? (e.g., specific scenario examples)
- Any general comments, questions, or suggestions?
Meet the team
We are a group of scientists from the United States Forest Service Pacific SW Research Lab, The USFS National Forest System and the California Academy of Sciences. Our collaborative transdisciplinary team includes (listed alphabetically):
- Dr. Jack Dumbacher (Curator of Ornithology and Mammalogy, California Academy of Sciences).
- Dr. Becky Estes (Central Sierra Province Ecologist, USDA Forest Service).
- Dr. Durrell D. Kapan (Senior Research Fellow, Entomology, Ornithology and the Center for Comparative Genomics at the California Academy of Sciences).
- Linda Long (Wildlife Biologist, Conservation of Biodiversity Program, USDA Forest Service, Pacific Southwest Research Station)
- Dr. Patricia Manley (Supervisory Biological Scientist, Conservation of Biodiversity Program, USDA Forest Service, Pacific Southwest Research Station).
- Dr. Peter Roopnarine (Curator of Geology at the California Academy of Sciences).
- Dr. Angela M. White (Scientist, Research Wildlife Biologist, USDA Forest Service, Pacific Southwest Research Station).
- Dr. Rebecca Wilcox (Metrics of Wildlife Resilience Post-doc, California Academy of Sciences).
Website development and programming: Mark Schulist